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Digital Economy
通知公告 更多
当前位置: 网站首页>>ZEvA Accreditation>>Digital Economy
· Introduction to Programme Leadership  
· Appendix A00-Survey of Teaching Faculty and Staff.xlsx  
· Appendix A01-Statistics on Students.xlsx  
· Appendix A2-Digital Economy Modules and Curricula Handbook.docx  
· Appendix G2-Programme Handbook for Digital Economy.docx  

· Appendix M2-CVs of core faculty involved in Digital Economy Handbook programme.docx  
· Appendix M-CVs of Public Faculty involved in the programme.docx  
· Appendix Z1-Series of Documents on Quality Monitoring and Continuous Improvement.docx  
· Appendix Z2-Equal Opportunity Policy for Admission to Chongqing College of Mobile Telec...  
· Appendix W2-Research Report on Social Demand for Digital Economy Talents.docx  

· Appendix P-Relevant cooperation agreements with industry or other HEIs.pdf  
· Appendix D2-National Standards for Teaching Quality in Economics.docx  
· Appendix B1-Enrollment Management Regulations of Chongqing College of Mobile Communicat...  
· Appendix B2-Regulations on Curriculum Assessment Management of Chongqing College of Mob...  
· Appendix B3-Disciplinary Regulations for Students at Chongqing College of Mobile Commun...  

· Appendix B4- Management Measures for Undergraduate Thesis (Design) of Chongqing College...  
· Appendix B5-Administrative Measures for Graduation Internship (Trial) of Chongqing Coll...  
· Appendix B6-Regulations on the Management of Credits’ Mutual Recognition for Student T...  
· Appendix C-Documents of the Committee of the Communist Party of Chongqing University of...  
· Appendix E-Mission statement of Chongqing College of Mobile Communication .pdf  
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